Форум Русского Эдмонтона
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.04.06 14:36. Заголовок: перевод документов

Вопрос наверное больше бывшим израилитянам,можно ли в Эдмонтоне перевести и натариально заверить документы с иврита на английский,может кто сталкивался?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.05.06 09:44. Заголовок: Re:

ZERO пишет:

Thanks for hilarious post my dear one-day nick, that was truly entertaining

You are more than welcome

ZERO пишет:

My diplomas and other documents were translated right here in Edmonton by immigrant association people who accidently happened to have a commissioner working in the same office.

You forgot to mention that you diplomas required translation form Russian to English. Hebrew is not Russian and not even Ukrainian. But you for sure know that, eh?

ZERO пишет:

there are services where people get paid to translate and notarize the documents.

What do you know! Really? All I say that in Israel you can do it cheaper and while you are not under pressure

ZERO пишет:

Correct me if I'm wrong but did you manage to come up with any names in your original post??

Now, when I am not so one-day-nick (avatar will come soon), Seryj can send me a personal message and I will give him all info with names he needs, include my beloved notarius that contacted APEGGA him self and verified all the translations he provided.

ZERO пишет:

the local employers will be happier to see a seal of local notary/comissioner rather than stare at a seal from overseas and calling overseas (we do have some time zone difference, eh?) to find out what the heck that seal means

Not always. Depends who and how badly they need this kind of professional or another.

ZERO пишет:

Just chill, no need to be so jumpy

Jumping is actually very good cardio-vascular exercise and as long as it burns my calories I will

You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything (c) Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.05.06 10:09. Заголовок: Re:

Aleksa wrote:

You forgot to mention that you diplomas required translation form Russian to English. Hebrew is not Russian and not even Ukrainian

I am going to behave and not post any coments on that

Aleksa wrote:

Now, when I am not so one-day-nick

My respect for your decision. I hope it'll stay long enough to confirm your permanent face on this forum.

The rest of it stands, no further discussion needed.

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